
Charity Event 05/16/09 {Dr. Saludares}

Dr. Saludares invited us to this charity event in Covina a few weeks ago. I've been around the Chino docs a few times when there's music and I know they LOVE TO DANCE & they know how to dance {ballroom style}...ok, so not expecting what I saw at this event... it was like Dancing With The Stars!!! {ok, not THAT sparkl{ie}, but they all had "the shoes"}. Dr. & Mrs. Pavia sat next to us and she had shoes too!! We saw all these people coming in with their little "bowling bags" and instead of a bowling ball inside, they pulled out their DANCE SHOES! and what made it really cool, some of them were doctors that I work with!! They're all dancing divas and studs {couldn't think of a d word for the men}. Here's one of the videos. All the video {and they're good} can be found {here}.....{I love the line dances}.

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