Holy Moly, I became a facebook friend with Karen today and the first photo in her album was this-
Gotta love the old pictures. I moved out right after graduation and was married a year or so after, so all my stuff is everywhere. This is so cool! I love it!
Gotta love the internet! I am so glad I found you!
I was looking at your blog and you have a very beautiful family.
In a priesthood blessing a servant of the Lord exercises the priesthood, as moved upon by the Holy Ghost, to call upon the powers of heaven for the benefit of the person being blessed. Such blessings are conferred by holders of the Melchizedek Priesthood, which has the keys of all the spiritual blessings of the Church. Blessings for the healing of the sick are preceded by anointing with oil, as the scriptures direct. To read more click {here}. To request a priesthood blessing click {here}. To read more on what I believe click {here}.
Gotta love the internet! I am so glad I found you!
I was looking at your blog and you have a very beautiful family.
you look beautiful as always. long luscious hair :)
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