
The Church is PERFECT...The People Are Not..

Yes, I was reminded of this tonight. We went to Hillside's basketball game and oh my gosh, this ........GUY totally, with both hands, threw Trinidad on the ground! Then when he was fouled, he had the audacity to say, "What? I bumped him and he hit the ground" then gave a dumb laugh. I don't like having these feelings, but he was not nice to any of the "vertically challenged" players on our team. This team we played had some "not so nice" players. Don't get me wrong, we have some extremely competitive players and some 40 and Fierce players, but these guys were rude and just flat-out mean! I don't know what ward we were playing, and I know that you're asking yourself, "Which one was it?", but that wouldn't be very nice of me (8 RED) to make matters worse. The game ended and all the guys shook hands. Way to go HILLSIDE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All is fair in Love and Ward basketball..lol, I don't mind the pushing and the shoving, or the rude comments and smerks...I'm just glad Tyler and Kennedy didn't see it..because what would they think? Our actions are what people judge us by, we should always be an example to our Families no matter the circumstances. And I always need to remember that!
