this sweet boy is the nephew of one of my co-workers. he was diagnosed with a brain tumor in january {and they took it out} then last month they found that another one grew back at rapid speed. he's been in excruciating pain and the family has been dealing with different doctors and hospitals all which were unable treat due to the severity of his case. FINALLY the awesome doctors at MD Anderson accepted his case and he's now in houston, texas. nick will receive 8 weeks of proton beam radiation {(2) 1/2 hr treatments per day, for now} and they had to leave their new home in louisiana and relocate to texas. he doesn't need to be hospitalized, but he does need to stay very close to the hospital, so they have to rent a hotel room for 8 weeks!!! the good people of their church raised $3,000.00 for them the day before they left!! How Christlike is that - AWESOME! click {here} to read his story or you can click his picture to the left.
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